Saturday, November 16, 2013

"I Met a Genius" by Charles Bukowski

I met a genius on the train
about 6 years old,
he sat beside me
and as the train
ran down along the coast
we came to the ocean
and then he looked at me
and said,
it's not pretty.

it was the first time I'd

"No Swan so Fine" by Marianne Moore

"No water so still as the
dead fountains of Versailles." No swan,
with swart blind look askance
and gondoliering legs, so fine
as the chinz china one with fawn-
brown eyes and toothed gold
collar on to show whose bird it was.

Lodged in the Louis Fifteenth
candelabrum-tree of cockscomb-
tinted buttons, dahlias,
sea-urchins, and everlastings,
it perches on the branching foam
of polished sculptured
flowers--at ease and tall. The king is dead.

"City Trees" by Edna St. Vincent Millay

The trees along this city street,
Save for the traffic and the trains,
Would make a sound as thin and sweet
As trees in country lanes.

And people standing in their shade
Out of a shower, undoubtedly
Would hear such music as is made
Upon a country tree.

Oh, little leaves that are so dumb
Against the shrieking city air,
I watch you when the wind has come,—
I know what sound is there.

"Shark's Teeth" by Kay Ryan

Everything contains some   
silence. Noise gets
its zest from the
small shark's-tooth
shaped fragments
of rest angled
in it. An hour   
of city holds maybe   
a minute of these   
remnants of a time   
when silence reigned,   
compact and dangerous   
as a shark. Sometimes   
a bit of a tail   
or fin can still   
be sensed in parks.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

"Harlem" by Langston Hughes

What happens to a dream deferred?

 Does it dry up
     like a raisin in the sun?
     Or fester like a sore—
     And then run?
     Does it stink like rotten meat?
     Or crust and sugar over—
     like a syrupy sweet?

     Maybe it just sags
     like a heavy load.

     Or does it explode?


Welcome to our Public Poetry Project! In attempting to spread our interest for poetry and stimulate conversation with our community or whomever our project may reach, for the next few weeks we will be taping poetry to streetlamps on the University of Illinois Campus in Champaign-Urbana. These poems you happen upon on campus will all be posted here and we encourage everyone to please comment with their reactions or critique and submit/post their own writing and art inspired by these poems. We would love it if you shared recommendations of other poets and poems you enjoy as well. Basically, whatever thought process or stream of consciousness the extensive genre of poetry leads you to. Thanks for visiting us and we hope you share our enthusiasm.